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Beautiful you (edición en inglés)

de Chuck Palahniuk
Beautiful you (edición en inglés)

Beautiful you (edición en inglés) en PDF Completo

Beautiful (saga beautiful 5)

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 21/07/2015
  • ISBN: 9780345807113
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda
  • Idioma: INGLÉS

2 + 7:

Beautiful bastard: un tipo odioso

Penny Harrigan is a low-level associate in a big Manhattan law firm. She has an apartment, but no love life. When C. Linus Maxwell, a mega-billionaire and international playboy, invites her to dinner and then whisks her off to a hotel in Paris, where he brings her to undreamed-of heights of sexual gratification for days on end, Penny is, well, pleased. However, when Penny discovers she is a test subject for a line of female sex toys so effective that women by the millions are lining up outside the stores to buy it on opening day, she understands the gravity the situation. A billion husbands are about to be replaced. What is Maxwell really up to? Erotically enabled world domination? Penny sets out to discover his motivations, and with a little help, stop him before it is too late.

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Escrito por de Chuck Palahniuk

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