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23 cosas que no te cuentan sobre el capitalismo

  • ISBN: 9780844743776
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

8 + 7:

23 things they don t tell you about capitalism (edición en inglés)

Popular opinion would have us believe that Americas free market system is driven by greed and materialism resulting in gross inequalities of wealth destruction of the environment and other social ills Even proponents of capitalism often refer to the free market as simply a lesser evil whose faults are preferable to those of social democracy or communism But what if the conventional understanding of capitalism as corrupt and unprincipled is wrong What if the free market economy actually reinforces Christian values In Wealth and Justice The Morality of Democratic Capitalism Arthur C Brooks and Peter Wehner explore how Americas system of democratic capitalism both depends upon and cultivates an intricate social web of families churches and communities Far from oppressing and depriving individuals the free market system uniquely enables Americans to exercise vocation and experience the dignity of selfsufficiency all while contributing to the common good The fruits of this system include the alleviation of poverty better health and greater access to education than at any other time in human historybut also a more significant prosperity the flourishing of the human soul

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