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Espresso ragazzi 1 - libro studente e esercizi, level a-1 (edición en italiano)

Espresso ragazzi 1 - libro studente e esercizi, level a-1 (edición en italiano)

Espresso ragazzi 1 - libro studente e esercizi, level a-1 (edición en italiano) en PDF Completo


  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 30/05/2015
  • Año de edición: 2015
  • ISBN: 9788861823976
  • Encuadernación: Sin definir
  • Idioma: ITALIANO
  • Editorial: ALMA EDIZIONI

4 + 4:

Espresso 5 alumno+cd (edición en italiano)

Espresso Ragazzi 1 provides around 90 hours of taught lessons plus activities for the video course. The student's book also includes a workbook section with further exercises, revision tests with answers, and solutions to the video activities and workbook exercises.

The CD audio included with the book contains all the listening tracks for both the taught units and the workbook section. The DVD contains the episodes of the videocorso (which can be watched either with or without Italian subtitles), the grammar videos and the language quizzes.

Espresso ragazzi 1 - libro studente e esercizi, level a-1 (edición en italiano)

Espresso ragazzi 1 - libro studente e esercizi, level a-1 (edición en italiano) completo en pdf gratis

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