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Historia de les dissensions civils a la mallorca baixmedieval (1 350-1550) = history of the civil strifes in late medieval majorca (1350-1550) (edición en catalán)

Historia de les dissensions civils a la mallorca baixmedieval (1 350-1550) = history of the civil strifes in late medieval majorca (1350-1550) (edición en catalán)

Historia de les dissensions civils a la mallorca baixmedieval (1 350-1550) = history of the civil strifes in late medieval majorca (1350-1550) (edición en catalán) en PDF Completo

(2 ed) (estuche 2 vols) giacomo casanova - historia de mi vida

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 25/05/2012
  • Plaza de edición: ESPAÑA
  • Año de edición: 2012
  • ISBN: 9788415432142
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda
  • Idioma: CATALÁN
  • Nº de páginas: 264

6 + 0:

(i.b.d.) historias del guardiÁn: la senda de erlthor

This works covers two centuries of the history of the Kingdom of Majorca (1350-1550), marked by the most outstanding social conflicts ever to take place on the island during the late Middle Ages. The author analyses facts of great incidence on the life of the Majorcans during the Middle Ages, such as the disproportionate debt run by the Universitat of the Kingdom, the relationship between those in power and their subjects, the financial crises and the causes behind popular discontent that sometimes led to armed struggle such as the 1391 Revolt, the 1450 Forà Uprising or the 1521 Germania Revolt. Some conflicts which, all in all, bring to light an awareness of the rights of the governed, unveil the avant-gardist line of thinking of the leading sectors of the population, and show what concept was held about the rules that should apply to the conviviality between governors and the governed which, all feudal reminiscence apart, reveal a characterisation of the Majorcan temperament resting on social ideas still prevailing to-day.

(i.b.d.) humanidad. una historia global

Historia de les dissensions civils a la mallorca baixmedieval (1 350-1550) = history of the civil strifes in late medieval majorca (1350-1550) (edición en catalán) completo en pdf gratis

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