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International trade in goods

International trade in goods

International trade in goods en PDF Completo

(i.b.d.)norma ifs de seguridad alimentaria (international food standar) v. 6

  • ISBN: 9789813276970
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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A concise history of international finance

For a couple of years more and more microeconometric studies in international trade use data on exports and imports on goods that are based on transaction level data collected by the customs These data cover detailed information on the goods traded its value its weight and the country of destination for exports or origin for imports In contrast to data from surveys of firms that were used in empirical studies in the past these data do not only focus on who trades and how much but also on who trades how much of which goods of which value and which weight with firms from which countries These transaction data have been used in empirical studies that shed light on various aspects of trade in goods for the first time This book contains a comprehensive survey of the international literature and selected studies that report results for Germany the third largest exporter and importer of goods in the world market

Aid on the edge of chaos: rethinking international cooperation in a complex world (edición en inglés)

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