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Obl1 the phantom of the opera with mp3 audio download (edición en inglés)

de Jennifer Bassett
Obl1 the phantom of the opera with mp3 audio download (edición en inglés)

Obl1 the phantom of the opera with mp3 audio download (edición en inglés) en PDF Completo

Jojo s bizarre adventure parte 1: phantom blood 1

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 17/06/2016
  • Plaza de edición: GB
  • Año de edición: 2016
  • ISBN: 9780194620345
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda
  • Idioma: INGLÉS

6 + 0:

Jojo s bizarre adventure parte 1: phantom blood 2

Ideal for elementary learners of English looking to improve or practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.It is 1880, in the Opera House in Paris. Everybody is talking about the Phantom of the Opera, the ghost that lives somewhere under the Opera House. The Phantom is a man in black clothes. He is a body without a head, he is a head without a body. He has a yellow face, he has no nose, he has black holes for eyes. Everybody is afraid of the Phantom - the singers, the dancers, the directors, the stage workers ...But who has actually seen him?

Jojo s bizarre adventure parte 1: phantom blood 3

Obl1 the phantom of the opera with mp3 audio download (edición en inglés) completo en pdf gratis

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  • 8.36 EUR

Escrito por de Jennifer Bassett

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