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Sustainable fashion (edición en inglés)

Sustainable fashion (edición en inglés)

Sustainable fashion (edición en inglés) en PDF Completo


  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 07/04/2021
  • Año de edición: 2021
  • ISBN: 9788417412791
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda
  • Idioma: INGLÉS
  • Editorial: PROMOPRESS
  • Nº de páginas: 168

8 + 3:

Green in green: sustainable architecture (ed. bilingÜe espaÑol-in gles)

The planet has reached a critical point and it is up to us all to innovate and drive change in all aspects of life, including how we design, produce and purchase our clothing. The fashion industry and its procedures are changing rapidly thanks to the visionary mindset of innovators, the renewal of industrial processes, and a reconsideration of existing values. More and more customers are demanding the clothes they buy are socially and environmentally aware: no child labour, minimal ecological impact, and safe working conditions are the basis of the sustainable values that customers are expecting from fashion companies. This book provides all the necessary insight for designers, fashion companies, retailers, and consumers that want to become more sustainable. It includes a comprehensive overview of the current actions taken by certain pioneering designers and brands, and how they are integrating basic sustainable principles, as well as eco-friendly and repurposed materials, to create a new generation of fashion products, including information on different fabric types, alternative production methods, and practical care advice for garments. Wearme Fashion, founded by Vera Artemyeva, is an advocate for conscious manufacturers, creators, designers, brands, and consumers, who are creating fashion with a sustainable approach. Its mission is to create a supportive, global, sustainable community built on authenticity, creativity and the ambition to develop a sustainable market from niche to a norm. They create the right connections to unite this growing sustainable industry.


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