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7 POWERS en PDF Completo


  • ISBN: 9780998116310
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

7 + 3:

Powers 15. federales. parte 1. infiltrados

What are the secrets to making a company enduringly valuable? 7 Powers breaks fresh ground by constructing a comprehensive strategy toolset that is easy for you to learn, communicate and quickly apply. Drawing on his decades of experience as a business strategy advisor, active equity investor and Stanford University teacher, Hamilton Helmer develops from first principles a practical theory of Strategy rooted in the notion of Power, those conditions which create the potential for persistent differential returns. Using rich real-world examples, Helmer rigorously characterizes exactly what your business must achieve to create Power. And create Power it must, for without it your business is at risk. , He explains why invention always comes first and then develops the Power Progression to enable you to target when your Power must be established

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