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English for kitchen and restaurant staff (ciclo formativo de grad o medio)

de Carme Prades
English for kitchen and restaurant staff (ciclo formativo de grad o medio)

English for kitchen and restaurant staff (ciclo formativo de grad o medio) en PDF Completo

/english from the start teacher s 1

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 15/06/2021
  • Plaza de edición: BARCELONA
  • Año de edición: 2021
  • ISBN: 9788417872922
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda
  • Idioma: CASTELLANO
  • Editorial: ALTAMAR
  • Nº de páginas: 201

5 + 0:

101 ways to improve your communication in business english = 101 maneras de mejorar su ingles de negocios (ed. bilingÜe ingles-espaÑol) (edición en inglés)

As part of a restaurant team, communications is key. You Will need to interact with clients if you are in the front of house or even in some cases if a diner requests your appearance as back of house staff. In addition, your profesional career may take you to another country where the Language of communication is English. This book has been designed to cover a wide range of vocabulary and gramar skills to give you the tools you need to work with confidence ang allow you to communicate with your clients in English.


English for kitchen and restaurant staff (ciclo formativo de grad o medio) completo en pdf gratis

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Escrito por de Carme Prades

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